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How to Watch Premier League Live 2017/18

After the news in the British press last week about how Kodi could be facing the deathknell due to the fact that ISP’s (internet service providers) will now have the power to cut off the service to anyone believed to be streaming Premier League action it means the game could be up in regards to trying to source 3pm kick offs.

But as always there are other means in this on going game of Premier League whack-a-mole and this season I would recommend this particular website – I must add I have nothing to do with the website myself and am in no way affiliated to it but they have the best ‘service’ out there and this is the one I will be using going forward

The website can be found by clicking this linked text

Edit: If the servers are down you can click on this linked text instead

The history of this site is that it has been born out of the ever popular Reddit page by the same name that was running for the last couple of seasons. But like all good things, it is time to move on and not rest on your laurels.

The powers that be have decided to move the platform away from Reddit and onto its own stand alone website going into the new season, it is still in it’s BETA testing phase so there are still understandably some kinks but I would imagine that they will be ironed out in time for the start of the season proper.

The site itself acts as an aggregator for a multitude of streams around the world and the best thing about it is that it has an upranking system so you know which links are the best for any particular game, not only that but if you become a member to the site it allows you to vote and add feedback also.

With a more community feel to it, it allows you to sift out poor quality and incorrect links and therefore make the streaming process as user friendly as possible. Now as always nothing is ever perfect when going down this route but it does show that there is life after Kodi.

With streams to pretty much any game you can think of on any given day you will certainly not be short of options going into this new season, so take my recommendation and give these guys a try. Again I have no link to them, I’m just spreading the word to other football fans.

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