Home / Football / Real Football Men – Fantasy Football Round Up Gameweek 22

Real Football Men – Fantasy Football Round Up Gameweek 22

Another week of Premier League action has taken place, let’s see how the runners and riders for the Real Football Man FPL crown have fared this week.

David McDonagh has increased his lead at the top to 27 points with a solid Gameweek but again it’s all change in the race to catch up with him. Lasse Ehrer moves up to 2nd place while myself has hit the heady heights of 3rd only 6 points behind Lasse.

David Lucas seems to be in a mid season slump as he drops down to 4th while Nana Kofi Abiri is a non mover in 5th the big loser was Dennis Kioko who bottomed scored and he subsequently falls back down to 6th place.

Atour Toma had a resurgence of form with this weeks top score which takes him to 9th and overtaking Aran Salih and Tomasz Kowalksi in the process.

Remarkably the Bottom 6 remain unchanges with Will Harwood not letting go of that Wooden Spoon at the moment. What will be the twists and turns next week?

Highest Score – Atour Toma 69

Lowest Score – Dennis Kioko 26


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