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Real Football Data – You Do Win Friends With Salah


Time for another of my analysis articles now as I offer up something that I have created on my sister website
Real Football Data – this time around I take a look at just who makes the biggest contribution in terms of goals to their team.

The caveat being that the players analysed have to be in the top 10 goalscorers in the Premier League at the time of writing, now the article title and the player in the picture may be the top scorer in the division at present but just exactly how much does Mohamed Salah offer in terms of a percentage contribution.

What I aim to do is track the data over each week and in this article you will see that there is a multitude of charts which will back up the analysis, in this piece you will see which clubs require a talisman and which clubs if any have more of a balanced spread of goals.

Can a club become too reliant on a goalscorer, if you are a Tottenham fan you might well know the answer to that one already but at the same time just how big a part has Harry Kane played in Spurs’ season so far and are the comments that the North London outfit just a one time fair.

Due to the nature of the top 10 goalscorers list, this is by no means a static list and therefore the players could well be interchangeable over the course of the season so it will be interesting who if anyone can add their names to the analysis in the weeks and months to come. Thanks for reading.

I hope this was of interest to you and if you have any football data work available then please contact me at realfootballmanwordpress@gmail.com as I am always looking to undertake additional projects to the ones I already have. Thanks, Dan.

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