Home / Football / Footballers with Top Knots #18

Footballers with Top Knots #18

Been a bit quiet on the transfer front the last few days as I’ve been in negotiations with some players but what with it being the off season it becomes very hectic especially when battling to sign players against agents of other rival concept teams, thankfully I have an unrivaled scouting network which stretches far and wide and covers the whole globe. Once again a big shout goes to @likeavillasboas (so be a good sport and give him a follow) as his scouting mission took him to Malaysia and I can announce we’ve signed none other than….wait for it…it’s a big one…trust me…it’s Khairul Fahmi Che Mat!!

Whoooooo? I bet you are wondering but more importantly why?, I’ll tell you why shall I. Not only is he a Malaysian International he also a Goalkeeper and in the Top Knot world they are very few and far between so without any hesitation he goes straight into the F.C. Top Knot Squad although he will be starting on the bench.


Therefore the First Eleven is currently unchanged and looks like this:

But with the addition of Khairul Fahmi Che Mat the Reserves now look like this:


So the back 5 of the team is complete we just have to work on getting 4 more players – mainly midfielders and one more striker into the side and then the reserves will also be complete. So the search will no doubt carry on over the coming months, I’m hoping the Copa America is a good source of Top Knot potential and we can snap up a few more faces. If you come across any more players with Top Knots let me know here or tweet me with the hashtag #FootballersWithTopKnots – the hunt continues


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  1. Marko arnautovic and kei camara have top knots

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