Home / Football / Dick Advocaat to leave Sunderland – The Managerial Merry Go Round speeds up

Dick Advocaat to leave Sunderland – The Managerial Merry Go Round speeds up


Another day and another managerial departure, it would be unfair to say casualty as this man went under his own volition but Dick Advocaat has announced he is to leave Sunderland with immediate effect. The Dutchman who managed to secure Premier League survival for The Black Cats just last Wednesday would not  be drawn on his future at the time as he commented that he “needed to talk it over with his wife”. In this case it looks like Mrs Advocaat has won and her husband will not be able to continue to build on the good work he made in the last few games of the season.


His departure now means there are 2 Premier League jobs available as it stands with the Newcastle job also more than likely to be available in the near future. Could Sunderland snap up Sam Allardyce who has only been out of work for 3 days or could they pip Derby County and prize Paul Clement from their grasp. The dust still has settled in The Stadium Of Light yet so it’s probably a bit early too say but I would expect these two names to be in the frame along with Steve McClaren and Michael Laudrup who is currently managing in Qatar.

So the managerial merry go round takes another spin and club chairman will be looking to snap up their prize as soon as possible.

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