Home / Betting / Can The Sky Bet Super Boost Make You Rich? – Part 4

Can The Sky Bet Super Boost Make You Rich? – Part 4

It’s return of this season’s gambling series on this “moderately successful footballing website” and if you were to ask the above question then the answer right now would be no.

If we take a very brief look at the stats then the breakdown is as follows:

Price Boosts Bet On – 3
Money Placed – £15
Price Boots Won – 0
Profit/Loss – Minus £15

Not good reading is it and just like Frank De Boer I need my fortunes to turn around and quickly, hopefully this weekend will be the week (but all gamblers say that don’t they) that I can get my first win on the board and turn this rudderless ship around.

So what is on offer this week:

Arsenal to beat Bournemouth
Chelsea to beat Leicester
Tottenham to beat Everton

Price Boost is 6/1 – potential winnings £35

So with the money placed now up to £20 it means that if this one returns a winner then I would be £15 in profit after the week 4. Truth be told though this one is going to be a bit difficult as I am now going to test the adage ‘never bet on Spurs’

I have already predicted Arsenal and Chelsea to win but to be honest I can see Everton and Tottenham canceling each other out especially as the last two encounters between the two sides have ended up in 1-1 draws. I would be very surprised if that was not the case tomorrow.

If that is to be the case then it will do me absolutely no favours and will mean that the losing streak will be at 0-4, not only will the not winning aspect be a tough pill to swallow but your own club letting you down will be even worse

Also what I will do from next week onwards is provide some stats as to how often teams are selected in the saturday week boost, because quite frankly who does not love stats. Right then I’m signing off wish me luck as I look to finally get off the mark.

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