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Chelsea vs Liverpool – A few quick thoughts

  • Well what a horror show for Chelsea, quite fitting I suppose for Halloween
  • Is this is, is it the end game for Mourinho – after that performance today it really could be
  • After starting well and going ahead so early I honestly thought it was game over for Chelsea as I genuinely couldn’t see goals in Liverpool today. Well I got that wrong but I don’t think anyone saw a capitulation like that.
  • But let’s not forget this is a first league win for Liverpool under Jurgen Klopp and what a scalp that was and the repercussions it could bring in the following days
  • A great equaliser from Coutinho in a half which Liverpool got into more and more and thoroughly deserved their equaliser. Should the half have been wrapped up before then? – not really as it’s a MINIMUM of 2 minutes, so Chelsea can’t have too much grounds to complain about that decision.
  • Another bad day at the office for Eden Hazard who is subbed off early in the 2nd half, a massive drop off in form from the award winning player last season.
  • Should Lucas have been sent off, probably. Chelsea will feel hard done by and obviously if Liverpool go down to 10 men in the second half it’s a different game in which Chelsea at least hang on to a point or maybe go on to win but these fine margins can make all the difference. That said it doesn’t cover Chelsea falling away in the last 20 minutes of the game.
  • Trevor Francis laying the boots into John Terry was hilarious calling him an old man was almost cruel but I think it’s time that JT is sent to the glue factory after that performance.
  • Bringing on Dejan Lovren at 3-1 up really is rubbing salt into the wounds
  • Real classy of Mourinho to sulk his way through the post match interview, I suppose in doing that bare minimum he won’t get in trouble with the F.A. for breaching media protocol but his almost silence speaks volumes there.
  • By this time tomorrow it could be Jose collecting a mammoth payout and a P45 – Next stop Paris and Ligue 1, who knows?

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