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Tony Yebo-AH What a Goal!

Cult Heroes #1 – Tony Yeboah
Tony Yeboah what a man, a time when his name was synonymous with the Goal Of The Month competition on Match Of The Day. I know you could rightfully consider Matthew Le Tissier as “Mr Goal Of The Month” but I think the two goals scored by the Leeds Striker scored within a week or so of each other were worthy of the legendary like status this man had developed early in the 1995/1996 Season

Exhibit A – The Goal vs Liverpool

After a knock down from a Leeds team mate Rod Wallace, Yeboah just re-adjusts his feet in time to launch a Volley straight past David James and cannoning in off the bar much to the delight of the Elland Road crowd and the amazement of people watching at home on Sky

Exhibit B – The Goal vs Wimbledon

After some head tennis between the Wimbledon Defence and the Leeds Attack, Yeboah picks up the ball from about 35 Yards or so, first he bounces the ball off his left knee and there is almost a slight mis-control as he shapes the ball to his right and then he lets fly from fully 25 yards with an absolute Exocet missile of a shot which again cannons off the bar, not once but twice. If the Wimbledon Goalkeeper had got a body part on it that limb would have probably then be blown off, if Yeboah hadn’t hit the target the ball would probably still be travelling in orbit over South London now.
It’s fair to say that after those two goals Yeboah’s Leeds career had pretty much peaked, there were still flourishes off brilliance and still a few more incredible but not quite as good and none that would reach the pantheon of great goals like the two above. Sadly injury seemed to get the better of Tony Yeboah at times and his Leeds career was numbered once the numerous clashes with then Manager George Graham but at least he left us with some memories and what memories they were. Tony we salute you, a true Cult Hero!

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