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Why Has The Sackrace Not Been Run Yet?


We’ve reached another international break (thankfully the last until March 2019) and something strange is going on in the Premier League. As of the time of writing no manager has taken part in the sackrace, a situation that fans across the country are not all that used to.

Usually at this point of the season, there is either the clamour of a manager to be shown the exit door by a disgruntled set of fans or there has been a trigger happy chairman who has bit the bullet in the opening months of the campaign.

So with the lie of the land unchanged since the start of proceedings back in August, there is almost a sense of the calm before the storm as surely this unheralded streak cannot last forever. Especially when you consider that Fulham and Southampton square off next weekend.

Is it too early to be discussing the term ‘6 pointer’ when you look at the situation that the two clubs are in then perhaps not, for Fulham they find themselves rock bottom of the table at the moment with their manager Slavisa Jokanovic on borrowed time.

While the same could also be said for Mark Hughes, the former Blackburn and Wales boss was in charge of the Saints’ great escape last season but there has been little to suggest that things will improve on the South Coast this time around.

Defeat for either club would only increase the pressure on the man who is unfortunate enough to come away empty handed and the closer we get to the busy xmas period then the more jittery the club chairman in the lower reaches of the Premier League will be.

In fairness it is quite a refreshing sight for managers to be given time to get results, but with the usual firefighters such as David Moyes or Sam Allardyce just a phone call away from their usual winter business then surely the first head on the managerial chopping block cannot be all that far off either.

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