Home / Football / Rodgers Bodges Liverpool Job as Kop Flop is shown the door

Rodgers Bodges Liverpool Job as Kop Flop is shown the door

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 24 hours you would have known by now that Brendan Rodgers has been sacked by Liverpool. After just over 3 years at the helm of the Merseyside club the Northern Irishman was shown the door yesterday after a 1-1 draw away at Everton leaving the club 10th in the league after 8 matches.

Personally I think with Rodgers after finishing second he almost had the impossible job. That was THE season to deliver the title and to not even sustain the quality after that meant time was always going to be running out.
He still had enough credit in the bank last season but for such a bang average start this, I don’t think there was any other choice.

After spending £292m in those 3 years, it seems as that expenditure has been a poisoned chalice – with some of the signings being nothing short of rank bad and their bench yesterday was about as average as it could ge.

Rodgers could probably point to losing Carragher, Gerrard, Sterling and Suarez due to a numerous circumstances as a massive almost irreplaceable blow, but once he started slating Tottenham for spending £100m and not competing the League he almost tied the noose round his own neck for doing the exact same thing 12 months later.

Maybe the Liverpool board felt i t was neat timing with the international break plus they can’t hang about too long with the risk of Chelsea imploding every week and potentially Chelsea beating them to the punch and snatching Jurgen Klopp from under their noses.


That then begs the question if Jurgen Klopp is going to be the man to take the vacant position. Liverpool certainly have set their sights on him being the man to take over from Brendan Rodgers, they now just have to tempt the ex Borussia Dortmund Manager to end his sabbatical early after he stated he wanted a year off from management.

Klopp has gone on record and said that he is willing to take charge of a club not in the Champions League, so that obstacle is removed. Now they just have to try and sell the “project” to him. Will the “transfer committee” be an issue not just for Klopp but for any potential new Liverpool Manager.

Another candidate waiting in the wings in Carlo Ancelotti. The man who has won leagues in Italy, England and France not to mention 3 Champions League titles certainly has a glittering C.V. but again this is a man currently on a sabbatical and would he view Liverpool as a big enough club, is he even biding his time for a sensational return to Chelsea.

Frank De Boer has already gone on record last week and said he is very much interested in the job, his success with Ajax in winning 4 league titles in a row from 2011-2014 is certainly a record you can’t dismiss but is the step up from Eredivisie to the Premier League too much of a step up for the former Dutch International.

I suppose the smart money would be on Jurgen Klopp at the moment with him being 4/7 with most bookies right now, but as you know in Football sometimes the smart money doesn’t always get the most obvious decision. I guess we will have to watch this space and see how this develops over the next week or so. Will they get someone in, in time for their next clash against Tottenham on October 17th? – from a Spurs fans point of view I sincerely hope not.


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