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A Real Good Podcast

If you’re a Tottenham fan then you are probably still thinking that you are in some sort of lucid dream after the events on Wednesday night when Mauricio Pochettino’s men beat Real Madrid 3-1 at Wembley, not only was a night to remember but more importantly it has seen the club progress to the Round of 16 with two matches to spare.

I was lucky enough to be in attendance that night and also fortunate enough to host the podcast the day after, admittedly I may have had a sore head and my voice was not quite exuberant as usual but I think it is fair to say that it came across as a very good show.

As always a podcast is only as good as its guests so once again a big thanks to my usual right hand man James McCarthy (who you should definitely follow on Twitter) and also are guest this week Lucy Jones who was also at the game and is also definitely worth a follow.

The important thing are the links to be able to listen to the show, you have two options below.

This linked text is if you have itunes

This linked text is if you do not like all things Apple

As always if you do take the time to listen it is very much appreciated and feedback (good or bad) is always welcome too. Apologies for the delay in this week’s show but our Monday recording was a victim of sound gremlins and unfortunately it got consigned to the cutting room floor.

Which I must say was something of a shame as it was a really good episode but then again if you want something that much then it is definitely worth waiting for and what better time to do a podcast then after beating Real Madrid.

The next recording will be on Monday where we talk all thing post Palace, so keep an eye out for the release later in the week.


If you like what you hear and have any media/podcasts projects in the pipeline and you would like to discuss them with myself then feel free to email me at realfootballmanwordpress@gmail.com

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