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Real Football Men – Fantasy Football Round Up Gameweek 9

Another week of Fantasy Football action is in the books, lets see how the runners and riders got on this week.

Well there was no change in the top 3 as Eoin McAndrew still leads Nana Kofi Abiri but the gap is down to 2 points, hot on their heels is David Lucas and his Gutterslugs. David McDonagh’s charge up the table continues as he moves to an all time high of 4th place.

I’ve moved down to 7th but for me it was damage limitation as I had to spend 12 points to get myself out of an injury crisis, so I can’t have too many complaints this week, whereas Aran Salih will be doing the celebrating as he top scored with 75 points this week.

The bottom 5 is unchanged this week with Atour Toma still at the foot of the table, while Kwame Twumasi wins the unwanted lowest score of the weekend award.

Highest Score: Aran Salih – 75

Lowest Score: Kwame Twumasi – 45

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