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Real Football Men – Fantasy Football Round Up Gameweek 1

We are finally under away and 14 people have had a crack at trying to beat the “Real Football Man” – so thanks to all that got involved and best of luck for the season.

Top of the shop after Gameweek 1 and throwing down an early marker is Will Harwood (Hi Will, if you’re reading this – I assume that is the Will Harwood that I actually know, if not a strange coincidence).  Anyway Will got the jump on the rest of the league by playing his “Triple Captain Chip” and getting 15 points out of Wayne Rooney when everyone else would have got 10 max. This enabled Will to get a score of 59 points on the board so a very strong opening week the big question is though has he triple captained too early?

Will already leads the league by 14 points over Ho Yeung Howard Tian’s beautiflly named Squirt Maestros. I am positioned in 5th place on 35 points with my big error was leaving Nathaniel Clyne on the bench but I’m relatively happy with that week in what wasn’t a particularly high scoring one.

Out of the 15 entrants David McDonough brings up the rear on 24 but there is still a LOT of Football to be played.

I’m sure there will be a lot of twists and turns throughout the season so join me each week as I review how the Real Football Men are getting on. Until next week!


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