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Real Football Data – Sergio Ramos And His Red Cards

More statistical work this time and although the focus has been on goals in the first two pieces it is now time to look at discipline or more importantly ill discipline and the person in question is that of Sergio Ramos for Real Madrid.

He may well be a world class defender of not that there is little to argue about but his temperament does have a better of getting the better of him and as a consequence he is perhaps not as well liked as the level of success he has had for club and country perhaps deserves.

The Spanish international has been sent off on now fewer than 23 occasions for Real Madrid and in the link below I take a look as to whether his behaviour has improved with age or whether father time is catching up with him and adding to his disciplinary misdemeanours.

Was his fiery latin temper getting him to trouble early on his career and is that something that has subsided over the years or has a loss of a yard or two of pace meant that he has now needed to rely on somewhat unscrupulous tactics to see him through a game.

His Real Madrid career has spanned 13 seasons included the one that has just started to get sent off as many times as he has means that he must have exceptional talent at his disposal to be afforded so many opportunities with the club, then again he has won everything there is to win in the game so maybe it pays to have a nasty streak.

If you have any players that you would like me to draw an infograph for you, then let me know and I can compile the stats for you.

If you are part of any football statistical companies who have any available work, then do feel free to get in touch as I am always looking for additional projects to the ones I already have. You can email me at realfootballmanwordpress@gmail.com


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