Home / Football / Real Football Cast – Season 2 Episode 49
Real Football Cast - Season 2 Episode 49

Real Football Cast – Season 2 Episode 49

Real Football Cast – Season 2 Episode 49

We’ve done it, we’ve finally reached the finishing line and with that said, it means the second season of the Real Football Cast comes to a close, an episode that takes us to 93 in total. While with the campaign closing, it means it is time for an end of season party.

Because Matthew has been so well behaved, he is invited back to share the soft drinks and party snacks, as we look back on the final day of a Premier League season – one with plenty of twists and turns.

Liverpool may have won the competition at a canter, but there were plenty of other plotlines to wrap up and that is exactly what we’ve done across the latest bundle of red hot soccer chat.

Whether it be the race for the top four and a place in the Champions League, the quest for the Europa League or the battle to avoid the drop, we’ve got it all covered here.

All that and more is discussed within the next hour below. Tune in and find out our take on what happened last weekend.


Also if you want to get in touch with me you can, this can be for either listeners questions next week or if you want to get involved as a guest in the upcoming weeks ahead. To do so you can reach me on my twitter at @dantracey1983

Also if you have any audio content requirements over the course of the season and you would like me to get involved (paid work) then please feel free to email me at realfootballmanwordpress@gmail.com

If you don’t perhaps have the power of big business behind you but you would like to show your appreciation you can buy me a coffee.

Thanks for dropping by and more importantly thanks for listening (if you get that far)

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