Home / Football / Real Football Cast – Season 1 Episode 4

Real Football Cast – Season 1 Episode 4

And we’re back once more for another episode of the Real Football Cast. Karl has been called away on a scouting mission this week, but thankfully J.S. is ready to hold the fort once more and this time he is also joined by Anthony Kendrick who wins a debut cap.

In addition to those two helping me chew through the footballing fat I also have launched what I’m sure is to be the hit segment “Footballers Names” as we expand on the promise that I made at the end of last week’s episode.

While any hope of this of being a high brow podcast is blown out of the water right the end, before that though the omnipresent being that is J.S reveals that he can watch all the football, all of the time and we do actually manage to crowbar some serious discussion in as well.

In addition to this I would just like to thank anyone who has taken the time to listen so far, we are averaging a modest 35 listens per episode on Soundcloud which I am incredibly grateful for as it means people are taking the time to listen to it.

I hope you enjoy this one, I think it’s my favourite one yet.

You can download or stream and listen to on your mobile/tablet/desktop here
Or you can listen to it via soundcloud here or below

Also if you want to get in touch with me you can, this can be for either listeners questions next week or if you want to get involved as a guest in the upcoming weeks ahead. To do so you can reach me on my twitter at @dantracey1983

While I’m also looking for a sponsor for the show, if you would like to do so you can email me at realfootballmanwordpress@gmail.com and if you don’t perhaps have the power of big business behind you but you would like to show your appreciation you can buy me a coffee.

Thanks for dropping by and more importantly thanks for listening (if you get that far)

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