Home / Football / Real Football Cast – Season 1 Episode 11

Real Football Cast – Season 1 Episode 11

And now the Real Football Cast tries something completely different. With it being the international break it usually means the opportunity to give myself and my guests a well earned week off, but not anymore as I found an idea which is even better than talking about football.

And that ladies and gentlemen is moaning about it.

So this week my two guests, a returning Karl who is back from his honeymoon and the debutant Matthew Baldwin who I crossed paths with on what I must say was an ill fated tv project called FanTV UK (I think it had about 8 viewers to be honest) offer up their pet hates in Football.

Not only that but they have to make a solid case as to why they should be sent to Football hell – once they have made their impassioned plea, I then decide whether they shall be kicked to the bin or not.

That’s the breakdown of the show, now it is time for the important links

We are now on Itunes – Subscribe here and never miss a new episode
Or You can download or stream and listen to on your mobile/tablet/desktop here
Or you can listen to it via audioboom here
Or you can listen to it via acast here
Or you can listen to it via soundcloud here or below

In addition to this, I am now offering out the podcast weekly in syndication, if you like what you hear and would like to have a post created for your website each week free of charge, then simply get in touch

Also if you want to get in touch with me you can, this can be for either listeners questions next week or if you want to get involved as a guest in the upcoming weeks ahead. To do so you can reach me on my twitter at @dantracey1983

Also if you have any audio content requirements over the course of the season and you would like me to get involved (paid work) then please feel free to email me at realfootballmanwordpress@gmail.com

If you don’t perhaps have the power of big business behind you but you would like to show your appreciation you can buy me a coffee.

Thanks for dropping by and more importantly thanks for listening (if you get that far)

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