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Merry Christmas From Real Football Man

Just a very quick article today and it’s not to do with matters on the pitch it’s more to do with the festivities that people are currently enjoying. I just wanted to say a very merry Christmas to all my readers and even if you don’t celebrate this particular holiday then just a big thanks for your continued support.

You may have noticed that I’ve been a bit content light over the past week but it’s mainly due to a combination of excess and winding down before it all picks up again on Boxing Day as the bumper set of fixtures arrive to save us from the Christmas gluttony

For me it’s been a busy year so I’m taking a well earned break today (after I hit send when finishing this piece) and a year where not just the blog picks up momentum but I’ve had a lot of progress in terms of external writing gigs and even got myself a slot on the TV!

So the momentum of the blog seems to be motoring forward and I’m looking ahead to next year with some excitement as who knows what it around the corner. I’ve had to put in a lot of hard work and it’s really nice to start to get something out of it.

Ultimately I don’t get anything out of it unless people read the pieces on the website so even if you’ve only ever read just one of the near 3000 pieces on the site, I still say thanks and to the regulars who keep coming back thanks even more.

There’s still a long way to go to get this where I really want to be but we’re certainly heading in the right direction and I say we as you readers are just as important as myself who spends countless hours writing and collating all this content.

So once again have a great Christmas and get ready for all the Boxing Day fun tomorrow!

All the best


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