Home / Football / ‘La Marseillaise’ to be played in Premier League grounds – A step too far?

‘La Marseillaise’ to be played in Premier League grounds – A step too far?

The French national anthem will be played ahead of kick-off at Premier League stadiums this weekend as a tribute to victims of the Paris terror attacks.

There will also be a minute’s silence around the grounds and players from both sides will wear black armbands.

Clubs will follow guidance from anti-terrorism security agencies – the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre and the National Counter Terrorism Security Office – to ensure this weekend’s action is played under the safest conditions.

Editor’s Note: Now I fully agreed with Tuesday’s singing of the French National Anthem at Wembley as it was an incredible mark of solidarity and respect. Without sounding callous though do we need the anthem played over the weekend as well.

You could argue that this will allow a wider audience to pay their respects but for me it just seems a bit mawkish. I’m not going to get too wound up by it or anything like that but I think Tuesday was the perfect way to show our respect to the people of France I’m not quite sure we need this as well.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

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  1. I agree. It’s getting out of hand. Tuesday was enough.

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