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John Terry gets huge Chelsea smile


In what has been one of Football’s less surprising U-turns as of late it has been confirmed this Morning that Chelsea captain John Terry has signed a new one year deal with the club.

When the news broke that Terry wasn’t to be offered a new deal at the end of last season, the question was then asked as to where the former England International would go next

After stating that he wouldn’t and couldn’t play for another Premier League club the obvious destinations where the MLS and the up and coming Chinese Super League

Although there would have been a large amount  of riches for Terry if was to go to one of those leagues, his options were diminished by the fact that there were no designated player slots available in the MLS therefore shutting the door on a move stateside

That left China and possibly even a move to Qatar in the pipeline but Terry still felt he could offer something to a Top European club, not only that but he felt he could still offer something to his boyhood club Chelsea

Then last week an olive branch was handed to Terry, in the form of a one year contract with Chelsea albeit in a lesser role. We don’t quite know what that lesser role is but one would imagine less game time

The dilemma then for John Terry was whether or not he was to accept the lesser role and the prospect of not being guaranteed first team Football next season.

With Terry’s post match address to the crowd on Sunday after their draw with Leicester, it was made obviously clear that the fans didn’t want him to leave and truth be told neither did Terry.

It was only then going to be a matter of time before pen was put to paper and the new one year deal was agreed. The questions now that will be asked are why did the change of heart from Chelsea come about

How much say did outgoing Manager Guus Hiddink and incoming Manager Antonio Conte say on the matter. Did the club buckle to swathes of fan power knowing there would be a huge wave of discontent after a very disappointing season

Also how much game time will reduced game time mean, with their no European Football for Chelsea you have to wonder where Terry will fit in and when he will actually play

You would have to imagine he will lead the side in Cup matches and then if there are injuries then he will get Premier League time. Also a lot will depend in what reinforcements Antonio Conte brings to Dtamford Bridge over the Summer to see how far Terry does actually slip down the pecking order

But they are questions for another day as for now, everyone connecte d with Chelsea will no doubt be delighted that John Terry is staying around for another season

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