Home / Football / Footballers with Top Knots #9

Footballers with Top Knots #9

Another day and another signing for F.C. Top Knot, again there was some fantastic work by one of my scouting network @herbz16 (do give him a follow) as he has been looking round the lower levels of English Football and answered the call for a Centre Back.  Therefore without further ado step forward Tom Kennedy.


Tom is currently playing his trade at Rochdale although he did actually have a spell at Blackpool on loan this season but I won’t hold that against him and for now he will slot nicely in the left sided Centre Back slot. Therefore the team now looks like this:


Not forgetting we also have Doncaster Rovers’ Curtis Main currently propping up the substitutes bench. So we now need a Right Back, a Centre Back and another Centre Midfielder if you come across any then please let me know via the website or tweet me with the hashtag #FootballersWithTopKnots – the hunt continues!


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