Home / Football / Footballers with Top Knots #5

Footballers with Top Knots #5

After a public plea to work out who this mystery Top Knotted player was – full article here http://realfootballman.com/2015/05/08/who-is-this-player

We have success, it turns out it’s Southampton reserve Goalkeeper Paolo Gazzaniga. Now he has form of some terrible haircuts in the past, look at this rat tail abomination!


Paolo was spotting a lovely Top Knot in his 2-0 defeat to Leicester at the Weekend, again I’ll have to upload the picture once Match Of The Day is loaded onto the BBC iPlayer but it is a wonderful work of art. The more important news is that we now have a Goalkeeper for F.C Top Knot, I had a feeling that this position was going to be the hardest to fill but we now need not worry. The team now looks as follows:


So with half the team in place the search continues for Top Knotted Defenders and Midfielders around the world. Thankfully I also have a 6th Top Knotted Footballer in place (more to come in a separate article) but if you do come across any other players with Top Knots either let me know on here or tweet me with the hashtag #FootballersWithTopKnots – the hunt continues

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