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Footballers With Top Knots #3

So after Zlatan was the 2nd inclusion into F.C. Top Knot (I’ve spoken to Zlatan and he’s incredibly miffed that he wasn’t the Number 1 draft pick), it’s now time for are third entry into the side.

#3 – Andy Carroll

andy carroll

Andy will go onto complete the attack line up and go along side Zlatan. Although this could be a bit risky as I’ve gone with a “big man, big man” combination up front, so I don’t think the Football is going to be particularly easy on the eye. Andy who at one point had those god awful corn-rows at Newcastle obviously has previous form for shocking haircuts (Thankfully there aren’t another 10 players to make up Corn-Rows United) and he could be a useful asset in this side.


So we’re now 3 players in and the build up of the team, looks as follows:

Now we’ve got some attacking flair, it’s time to build the spine of the team. Preferably a Midfielder or Defender to add a bit of steel, maybe even the hallowed “Top Knot Goalkeeper”. So we’ve now got three players, the hunt for the fourth continues. If you come across any tweet me with the hashtag #FootballersWithTopKnots or leave a comment on here.

Happy Hunting!

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