Home / Football / England vs France friendly to go ahead – The Right Decision

England vs France friendly to go ahead – The Right Decision

England’s friendly against France at Wembley on Tuesday will go ahead after a series of attacks in Paris that have killed at least 128 people.

Three suicide bombers died in blasts outside the Stade de France while France played Germany on Friday.

But French Football Federation president (FFF) Noel le Graet said Les Bleus would travel to London.

The Football Association said: “In solidarity with the FFF we fully respect and support this decision.”

The FA also said that the England Under-20s match against France on Saturday had been postponed.

French President Francois Hollande has declared three days of national mourning as the capital recovers from the worst atrocity in Europe since the 2004 Madrid bombings.

Editor’s Note: I know the scenes in Paris last night were terrible and sometimes Sport isn’t the most important thing in the world but what better way to show strength and solidarity then by not cowering to the attacks and carrying on with the game in question.

It will be a pretty poignant atmosphere on Tuesday no doubt but the players on the pitch will no doubt do France proud. Although there are few opportunities for Roy Hodgson to work with his squad between now and next Summer it is if Tuesday’s result doesn’t really matter, in all honesty I don’t think anyone would begrudge a France win at Wembley.

Going further how fitting would a France win on home soil next July be as a mark of triumphant respect for the people who cruelly lost their lives last night.

Life and Football goes on but the people will never be forgotten. Viva Le France

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