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Eating Like A Pro Soccer Player

Every young footballer dreams of turning out as a pro footballer in the future. Being talented is one thing, but for one to make it to the top tier, training hard and eating smart is critical.

Just like other professional sportspeople, soccer players to need to pay equal attention to their diet just as they do to their training regimen. Things have changed over the years; nowadays, there is a greater focus on nutrition and how it affects a player’s performance on and off the pitch.

Sports scientists and nutrition experts argue that nutrition has an effect on a player’s well-being from endurance and strength levels to how quickly she or he recovers. As such, it is vital for football players to ensure that they consume the right quantity of nutrients and vitamins at the right time. This is to make sure they perform at top-notch levels with consistency.

Below, we take a look at some nutritional advice to complement your training.

Sports Supplements

Football players are allowed to use drugs to supplement their meals and training. However, these supplements should not be taken for the sole purpose of making it in the league. You can hop on to 120kg.com to know more about steroids, which are known to have lots of positive effects. Supplements do provide healthy and significant results when coupled with the proper exercise regimen.


Breakfast is one of the most important meals to keep you going through the day’s activities. There are a variety of foods you can eat. Have some brown bread toast as a snack. Brown bread is an excellent source of carbs, which are digested into glucose to fuel your body.

An omelet is an excellent source of protein that will slow down the absorption of glucose and help balance your blood sugar levels. Porridges from different types of grains are equally important. Proteins are suitable for muscle building and repair.


Lunch will, of course, come after some hours of training. At this stage, your energy levels are depleted. Rice and pasta are good sources of carbohydrates and also get digested in a short time and will quickly restore your energy.

A source of protein like grilled chicken that is also digested quickly is an excellent way to obtain protein. Proteins at this stage will help repair your muscle tissues after the training session, which will have put them under stress.

Afternoon Snack

At this point, your body’s metabolism is working at a high rate. Having additional energy-rich snacks will help refuel. Drinking a fruit smoothie with a scoop of whey protein will do your body right. Amino acids contained in the protein will help boost your recovery and immune system. A fruit smoothie is a helpful source of antioxidants that will assist in your recovery ensuring you are in top shape for the next exercise session.


One critical aspect that you should pay attention to is eating light foods for the evening meal. Consuming heavy foods will require more time to digest taking a toll on your performance on a subsequent day. Also, your body’s metabolism rate will be slower. A plate of white fish alongside steamed vegetables and beans will be ideal for your dinner.

Drink Plenty of Water

As you train or take part in matches, you will lose significant amounts of water through sweating. Dehydration causes muscles cramps, which are painful. Ensure you drink water regularly to be certain that you are well hydrated at all times.

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