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E-Football Podcast – Season 2 Episode 1

The start of the season is now a day away – that is if you are a fan of a Premier League team, apologies to all fans of lower level clubs in this country as the season has already began in earnest. Anyhow I digress with the first shoots of competitive football grass beginning to sprout, what better time is there to revive the E-Football Podcast

After an off season break where truth be told I did not watch a great deal of football, not going to lie it was quite nice to just switch off for a couple of months, although not great if you are trying to run a “moderately successful football website” of your own.

But it was only going to be a break and the desire to get back in the studio, well I say studio that’s not strictly true lets say back on the microphone was all too great. Thankfully to feed that desire the powers that be at E-Football have given me a second series.

After the successful stint as interim host last time around I’ve been given the reigns to have a crack at a full season in a similar vein to Leicester boss Craig Shakespeare and he like me will have been given a transfer window for the first time to bring in new faces.

So in addition to the squad of top guests I had between February and March of this year, I’ve also got some new members to the over increasing panel of podcast professionals who will be sharing their views between now and next Summer.

This week it was back to the old faithful as me and my assistant manager James McCarthy (not the Republic of Ireland international) discussed the transfer activity or lack thereof of the top 7 clubs. Fans of the other 13 top flight outfits should not worry as you all follow in part 2

And you can listen to it in full by clicking this linked text

Keep an eye out for Episode 2 as not only can you find it here when I write the article but also it will be available on the same website as above.

I hope you like what you hear and thanks for taking the time to listen to the show, as always feedback is always welcome and also if you think that you would like to be a guest on the show then please feel free to contact me via twitter and if you would like my dulcet tones as a guest on your podcast then you can contact me via the same method.

Until next time

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