You may remember last month off the back of my dislike for the new Premier League logo that the people at 99Designs got in touch with me and told me about a poll for an alternative logo that was taking place. They were then kind enough to have offered myself and you the readers a chance to give your thoughts on it and select an alternative logo.
You can read the full article here –
Well the results are in and the winner is…..
The effort from Maya Septha. I don’t know about you but I think that’s a much better effort than what the people commissioned by the Premier League have come up with. To me it looks a lot more contemporary and not relying on the garish colour scheme of the new approved Logo. It seems as if you thought it was a better idea too with this one being the clear winner in the 99 Designs poll that has been carried out
There were also half a dozen designs which although didn’t win still came out of the poll with a high ranking and you can have a look at them here
Arguably you could make a case for any of those designs not only winning this poll but being a very credible new logo for the Premier League
A big thanks to 99Designs for getting touch initially and letting us getting involved in the poll, just goes to show you don’t need a big budget to make top quality designs. With EURO2016 around the corner I’m sure that the 99Designs team will have some more Football related design content to share and you’ll be able to find it here at the RealFootballMan website.
If anyone else has any Football related design content that they would like have shared on this site then by all means please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can drop me an e-mail at