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2017/18 Premier League Predictions – Week 5 (Review)

The review of Week 5’s Premier League Predictions is running particularly late and not sounding particularly great either. If I was Steve Parish I would probably spend lots of money on that ridiculous barnet and then I would sack yours truly as I my run of form seems to be getting worse. This is not going to make for good reading.


Bournemouth vs Brighton – Draw NO


Crystal Palace vs Southampton – Draw NO

Huddersfield vs Leicester – Leicester Win NO

Liverpool vs Burnley – Liverpool Win NO

Newcastle vs Stoke – Draw NO

Watford vs Manchester City – Manchester City Win YES

West Brom vs West Ham – West Brom Win

Tottenham vs Swansea – Tottenham Win NO


Chelsea vs Arsenal – Chelsea Win NO

Manchester United vs Everton – Manchester United Win YES

Three out of a ten, an absolute shocking return when all is said and done. After a string of three successive weeks in which I scored just four out of ten I was hoping that last weekend would see something of a turn of fortune but my predictions have not been the equivalent of just throwing my money in the bin.

It took me until the sixth game in the list to even get a prediction correct, the only argument I have which to be fair is a particularly week one is the fact that we are sill in the early part of the campaign but to be fair that is not really going to wash much longer if at all.

For all you maths fans, this means that I am on just 20 out of 50 over the course of the season, giving me a strike rate of just 40 percent. Not pretty reading I am sure you will agree especially when it means I am averaging just four correct picks a week.

But the good news I will be back with some more picks later today for the weekend ahead. Until then.

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