Home / Betting / 2017/18 Premier League Predictions – Week 22 (Review)

2017/18 Premier League Predictions – Week 22 (Review)

And breathe. The frenetic Premier League festive period has finally come to a close, a staggering 40 matches have been played over the past couple of weeks and it is fair to say it has been an absolute feast of football. I don’t know you but I think I need to lie in a darkened room after all that football. The F.A. Cup may be this weekend but it may come as a welcome respite for many. At the start of the week I offered up another raft of predictions, here is how I fared.


Brighton vs Bournemouth – Draw YES

Burnley vs Liverpool – Liverpool Win YES

Leicester vs Huddersfield – Leicester Win YES

Stoke vs Newcastle – Draw NO

Everton vs Manchester United – Manchester United Win YES


Manchester City vs Watford – Manchester City Win YES

Southampton vs Crystal Palace – Draw NO

Swansea vs Tottenham – Tottenham Win YES

West Ham vs West Brom – West Ham Win YES


Arsenal vs Chelsea – Chelsea Win NO


Tottenham vs West Ham – Tottenham Win NO

Not a bad end to the festive proceedings as I managed to get seven picks out of eleven correct, pretty much everything went to form with the exception of Tottenham failing to beat West Ham last night, while there three other games that could have gone either way. So a pretty healthy return it must be said.

Let’s see what that has done for the ongoing strike rate for the season, I am now on 109 out of 220 correct picks, had Tottenham won then I would have been on exactly 50% for the campaign. Slowly but surely though my form is improving. If this continues we could be on target for somewhere nearer 55% strike come May.

With cup action this weekend it means we get a hiatus for a week but I will be back next Thursday with my predictions offering for Week 23. Until then.

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