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10,000 views and counting

Celebratory scenes at the Real Football Man Offices (well desk) as I’ve surpassed another landmark – I’ve surpassed 10,000 page views of my blog in just under 6 months, so that’s quite a decent achievement.

I have to thank anyone who has viewed the blog as that’s the reason I keep continuing with the project, so for that I’m incredibly grateful, also thanks to any regular contributors and people who have commented on any of my posts.

That’s time to continue the momentum and try and build on this further, currently getting 2,000 page views a month so would certainly like to expand on that and have a few ideas in the pipeline which I will be able to expand on in due course.

But for now, again I just want to express my gratitude to everyone who has laid on the site even if it’s for one article, every set of eyes on it is important to me and I hope you come back again sometime.


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