Home / Betting / Week 13 – Premier League Predictions

Week 13 – Premier League Predictions

After an International Break that seemed to have lasted forever it’s finally time for club Football to make it’s return (thank god). Let’s not waste anymore time as I predict what will happen this Weekend.


Watford vs Manchester United – Manchester United Win

Chelsea vs Norwich – Chelsea Win

Everton vs Aston Villa – Everton Win

Newcastle vs Leicester – Draw

Southampton vs Stoke – Southampton Win

Swansea vs Bournemouth – Draw

West Brom vs Arsenal – Arsenal Win

Manchester City vs Liverpool – Manchester City Win


Tottenham vs West Ham – Tottenham Win


Crystal Palace vs Sunderland – Crystal Palace Win

So that’s what I think will happen this week, what do you think will happen? – Feel free to add your comments below. If you do follow these tips then best of luck, place your bets now!

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