Home / Betting / Week 10 – Premier League Predictions

Week 10 – Premier League Predictions

So after a bang average 5 out of 10 in the Premier League last week and not faring too much better over the two nights of Champions League action, it’s time for another round of predictions. Some potential banana skins as always but I suppose that’s what makes it the “Best League In The World”. So without further ado, here is what I think will happen this week:


Aston Villa vs Swansea – Swansea Win

Leicester vs Crystal Palace – Draw

Norwich vs West Brom – West Brom Win

Stoke vs Watford – Stoke Win

West Ham vs Chelsea – Chelsea Win

Arsenal vs Everton – Arsenal Win


Sunderland vs Newcastle – Draw

Bournemouth vs Tottenham – Tottenham Win

Manchester United vs Mamchester City – Manchester City Win

Liverpool vs Southampton – Liverpool Win

There’s my predictions for this weekend, what do you think will happen?. Please feel free to leave your thoughts. If you do follow these picks then best of luck.

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