Home / Betting / Tips from the first two weeks of the season (Results)

Tips from the first two weeks of the season (Results)

Date Bet Teams Stake Possible Return Win/Loss Rolling P/L How Many Right Wrong Picks Bet Success Pick Success
07/08/2015 7 Fold Rangers, Arsenal, Chelsea, QPR, Burton, Portsmouth, Hibs to Win £1.20 £26.00 Loss -1.2 5/7 Arsenal, Chelsea 0% 71.40%
14/08/2015 5 Fold Boro, Forest, Sheff United, Celtic, Hibs to Win £1.50 £12.95 Win 10.25 5/5 None 50% 85.71%
15/08/2015 Single Arsenal to win 3.2 5.75 Win 12.60 1/1 None 66.60% 86.67%

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