Home / Online Portfolio

Online Portfolio

Welcome to my Online Portfolio, this page is a section of the blog dedicated for all the work that I’ve produced for external clients and websites

Please feel free to click the links that will take you to the work

If you are a fan of the work I have generated for customers and you’re in the market for fresh outsourced content or have any paid football writing work available then don’t hesitate to e-mail me at:


Writing For Other Websites

Football Fancast – Over 100 articles

Tales From The Top Flight– 20+ articles

Bread And Butter Football – Over 100 articles

Lol Football – Example In Link

Press Releases:

Klowd TV


Outsourced Content (sample):

Will Bournemouth Succumb To Second Season Syndrome?

Podcasts/TV Work:

Now hired by FAN TV as their ‘Spanish Football Expert’ – I feature once a week talking all things Spanish Football

I’m the host of the E-Football Podcast

Featured on the V2 Football Podcast on numerous occasions – Podcasts

Data Work:

Freelance Football Statistician working on behalf of UEFA for The Stats Zone. This means I am responsible for collating a whole host of European and international tournament data.

Also run a sister website called Real Football Data – This is being used as a rolling portfolio for more statistics work


Bread and Butter Football Writer of the Month Award – May 2016 –

My work can now also be found on FootballFancast.com – which has a readership of 7million views a month

I was their writer of the month for 7 months in a row from July 2016 to January 2017, winning a cash prize each time