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Real Football Man Is Branching Out

Time for a good news story at Real Football Man HQ, especially as we all love a good news story don’t we. I can reveal I’m adding another string to my ever growing bow. That is because I’m branching out, no I’m not becoming Real Rugby Man (although perhaps that’s an idea for another day) I’ve been lucky enough to take on the responsibilities for Soccersixes UK Social Media Accounts.

Yes the UK’s Largest Network of FA Affiliated Six-a-Side Soccer Leagues with over 40,000 Players have let me loose on the Twitter and Facebook accounts and I must say I’m very much looking forward to the task of spreading awareness of the UK’s number one Six-a-Side Leagues.

That does not mean I’ll be giving up on writing but with a career change on the horizon I’m testing myself with a new challenge and it is one that I am looking forward to being my absolute best at. With nearly 18,000 likes on their Facebook page already there is a perfect platform for me to not only show my talents but get that number even higher. So to get my first contract of this nature, is a massive step and I hope it is the first of many

I guess this is the part where I need to tell you the all important social media jobs (otherwise I would not be doing my job would I)

To follow them on Facebook simply click HERE and to follow them on Twitter you can do so HERE

I would really appreciate it if you could give the pages a like/follow and check them out. The more traffic that goes their way, the more likely I’ll be likely to eat at the end of the month!

But in all seriousness do please check the pages out, I hope you’ll enjoy them and of course if you are looking to start up a 6-a-side team then you should look no further than Soccersixes UK


If you are a Football themed company looking for an increased Social Media presence, then please do not hesitate to get in touch as I am always looking to add new clients to my portfolio. To discuss this further, email me at

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