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Losing Weight With Right Meal Replacement Shakes

Are you a Footballer looking to stay trim during the current season?. Well meal replacement shakes could very well be the answer, there are a lot of various kinds of shakes: some of them help you stay fit, others work as meal substitutes. Today, let’s discuss the type of meal replacement shakes that can also help you lose weight.

Complementing your diet with low-calorie shakes rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins can greatly contribute to weight loss. These products have the lower amount of calories than your regular meals, but they contain all components to keep you full of energy. We put together seven features that must be present in your meal replacement shake.

1) Your shake must contain less than 3 grams of sugar

If the level of sugar in your body gets too high, your liver starts converting it to fat. So if you care about your weight or want to lose it, you should try to stay away from sugar-rich foods, such as soft drinks, granulated sugar, cookies, candies, pies, jams and so on. That’s why the meal replacement shake for weight loss is always low in sugar (less than 3 grams).

2) Shakes have to be low in calories to make your body use fat as the source of energy

Any food that provides your body with energy contains calories, so all you drink and eat has them. When there’s too much energy, your body starts turning it into fat. By consuming fewer calories, you make your body utilize fat as the energy source. A perfect meal replacement shake should contain less than 200 calories.

Fat has more energy than other food components, so it also contains more calories. Meat, fish, and eggs are the best sources of fat.

3) Your shake should contain protein for boosting the metabolism

Protein serves as building blocks your muscles. A sedentary adult is recommended to consume about 0.8 grams of protein for each 1 kilogram of body weight, and those who build muscle mass needs up to 1.7 grams. It can be found in fish, eggs, meat, and dairy products.

The amount of protein in your shake must be around 20 grams.

4) Your shake should contain fiber to reduce hunger

Fiber helps you feel fuller for longer. You can find it in vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and berries.

Consuming products rich in fiber will keep your stomach full for longer without adding calories. Fibrous vegetables can fill you with energy and keep blood sugar at a normal level at the same time. Besides, fiber makes your digestive system work properly and slows carbohydrate metabolism.

Meal replacement shakes must contain five or ten grams of dietary fiber per serving.

5) Every meal replacement shake should have various vitamins

Your body can’t produce vitamins, but it needs them to work properly. Many kinds of foods contain vitamins. In order to feel full of health and energy, you need to keep vitamins level high. Your meal replacement shake must include Vitamin A, B6, C, D, E, and calcium.

6) Your shake should contain probiotics to boost the immune system and digestion

Probiotics are microorganisms that maintain the proper work of your digestive system. By doing so, they help you avoid stomach pains. That’s why including these bacteria to your meal replacement shake is important. Such products as yogurt, dark chocolate, and sauerkraut are rich in prebiotics.

Read more reviews on www.dietsinreview.com about slim quick, ideal shape, shakeology etc.

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