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Football INDEX – We Are All Zlatan IbrahimoRICH

As promised it’s time for another Football INDEX update as I once again show you how my portfolio is performing.
It’s been active for two weeks and after my strategy to invest everything in Zlatan Ibrahimovic was implemented after a shaky start, it’s fair to say we are not looking back and long may it continue.

If it does continue then we will all be Zlatan IbrahimoRICH (have some of that!), if I give you a reminder of how we left proceedings at the end of the last roundup, the Real Football Man Investments portfolio looked as follows:

Zlatan Ibrahimovic – £4.75 – 2 Shares – Total Worth – £9.50 and a £1.09 reserve. Total portfolio is now £10.59

Well it’s not just good news, it’s BIG NEWS. Avid followers will remember me saying that I would need Zlatan to get to the sweet spot of £5 to turn things around. Well the mercurial Swede has done just that, as he now sits at the magic £5 per share. Therefore my portfolio looks as follows:

Zlatan Ibrahimovic – £5.00 – 2 Shares – Total Worth – £10.00 and a £1.09 reserve. Total portfolio is now £11.09

That means since I put my whole life’s worth into Zlatan my portflio value has gone from £8.60 to £11.09 an increase of £2.49. Over a 20% increase in it’s worth.

Now more importantly and this was quite a massive oversight here (but in a very good way) in my previous roundup I said that the portfolio was showing a 59p profit which was 0.59% well ladies and gentlemen it’s not though is it. With a £10 original outlay that would represent a 5.9% increase on ROI. Stupid me, especially with the fact that I am A Data Analyst by trade and still managed to make that mistake but like I say it’s a mistake in a good way as we’re making a much better looking profit.

That ultimately means we are in an even better position now. The £1.09 profit on the outlay means that we are showing an 11.1% ROI (rounded up to one decimal point, you see I can get that bit correct) so more than a 10% increase on the portfolio value in less than a fortnight.

Now for example had I gone big and laid in £50 to start with I would be looking at a portfolio of somewhere nearer £56 (due to more dividend payouts) and an ROI of 12%. So it definitely makes sense to start your portfolio with a more weightier outlay.

If my continued adventures with Football INDEX have grabbed your attention and you want to build your own portfolio then do not wait any longer and click HERE

If you’re going to get on the Zlatan train then I would get on before he departs before the EFL Cup Final tomorrow as a decent performance will only see that share price increase. I’ll have another update early next week.

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