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50 Followers – A big thanks

This Morning I have hit another self congratulatory landmark in that I have now got 50 people following my blog. It may not sound a lot in the grand scheme of things but when I started this back in April I would have been more than happy with 1!

So I must say a big thank you to all that have followed my blog in the last few months and if anyone who is reading this is yet to follow then you are more than welcome, if you also have a blog of your own I will quite happily also return the favour.

Thanks to anyone who has taken the time to look at any of the content on the blog – now we look forward to the ever approaching start of the season and the fact I’m still worrying about my Fantasy Football Team….

Now talking of Fantasy Football, If you want a crack at beating the “Real Football Man” at Premier League Fantasy Football at http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ then here is the code for the blog league: 18235-6885

Thanks again

Real Football Man

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