Another day and another cause for celebration here at the realfootballman desk as yesterday I surpassed 25,000 all time blog views.
As always a big thanks to anyone who has read any of the articles and if you’re reading this and come across the blog for the first time then welcome (but why didn’t you get here sooner….joke)
There are over 900 articles with content being added daily so please feel free to stick around and peruse the articles which are on offer. As I say once you’re here, there’s no need to rush off and if you do then I hope you return soon.
Always looking for new followers of the blog, so if you are a fellow blogger and want to subscribe to realfootballman then I am more than happy to return the favour. Even if you aren’t a follow blogger you can still subscribe via e-mail alerts.
From a blogging point of view, I am always looking to build new relationships and opportunities so if you would like to be a blog partner or feel that I could be involved in any other Football projects be it writing/podcasts/interviews then I would be more than willing to discuss.
My contact e-mail is:
I do the easy bit in writing the content, the more important part is the people who read it and for that I am incredibly grateful. Here’s to the next milestone