Another landmark has been surpassed here at Real Football Man with the fact that there are now 2,000 articles on the site. Yes what was meant to be just a simple blog has turned into somewhat of a creative powerhouse.
The landmark has been reached in 15 months, meaning that there are 133 articles a month on average which again equates to about 4 or so a day. When starting a blog they say that content is king and that has certainly been my aim from the start.
But although it would be easy just to get any old articles out there, I would like to think that the site has developed quite a high quality threshold (I guess ultimately that is for you to decide but the feedback I’ve received has always been promising and that gives me the impetus to continue)
I’d like to say thanks to the contributors who have created guest articles throughout the season, that is certainly an avenue I want to expand going into next season. I think for any decent website it’s healthy to have a range of opinions as that can then foster a bigger and better community and not only that create wider debate and interactivity to the site
If you would like to become a guest writer for my site next season then just drop me an e-mail – address at the bottom of the page
I think it’s fair to say it’s what has started as a blog has turned into a fully fledged site, that was shown by the fact that I made the bold step to a proper paid site in terms of hosting, in hindsight it’s something I should have done earlier but I’m certainly glad I made that move
The quest for any site is to get bigger and better but with the constraints of a full time job (unfortunately this doesn’t pay the bills just yet) it’s all about finding time. I think I’ve got the balance just about right but it’s the background things that I never have time to do. Ad revenue, e-mail lists, subscriptions etc. I think I need to take the time over the Summer to sit down and look at that properly to make the site a fully polished spectacle. But as always there’s never quite enough time
Anyway that’s enough of my ranting back to the football writing – which is really why you come to the site. Thanks for reading this or any of the other 2000 articles, here is to the next 2000
As always if you like what you see and would like to contact me for any of the following:
- Writing Projects
- Interviews
- Podcasts
- Sponsored Blog Posts
- Blog Partnerships
- Guest Articles
Simply drop me an e-mail to with the relevant topic header
For any prospective clients who are looking for outsourced work or a sponsored blog post, I have now created an online portfolio profiling my work –