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1 Award and 2 New Blog Partners

It’s been a busy few days at real football man HQ even though the season has ended there is still plenty of work to be done here and that work has been rewarded in the form of my first ever award. The people at Bread and Butter Football have been kind enough to award me the writer of the month award for May.

It’s finally good to see the hard work be rewarded by my peers and hopefully this should give me more of a platform in which to expand my writing network for projects going into next season and beyond. In my best award acceptance speech I would just like to say thanks to the guys at Bread and Butter Football for giving me the award and the webspace in which to share my articles

As a consequence of that and the fact that we are working along the same lines, they have agreed to be one of my blog partners. So I would definitely recommend their site (after checking mine obviously) as they are doing a great job there not only in running a site but giving up and coming writers an opportunity to share their footballing views

And as it seems to always be the case, you wait for 1 blog partner to come along and then 2 come along at once. I’ve teamed up with T-Shirt Designers Runes Clothing. They are an upcoming brand and have offered me the chance to be kitted out in their designs in return for being a partner with real football man.

You can purchase their first shirt here T-Shirt Shop with there being more designs on the way shortly just in time for your Summer party season.  So welcome aboard Runes Clothing to my ever growing list of partners. But the list of partners is always looking to grow, so don’t hesitate to get in contact

Also with it being the start of a new month, I guess it’s time for another quick update. Basically it’s all hands on deck what with Euro 2016 around the corner, no records broken in May unfortunately but there has been some personal development instead in terms of the blog so it’s success in a different guise

As per normal thanks to anyone who has read the blog over the past month and I hope you return over what will be a busy Summer. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait for the European Championships

As always if you like what you see and would like to contact me for any of the following:

  • Writing Projects
  • Interviews
  • Podcasts
  • Sponsored Blog Posts
  • Blog Partnerships
  • Guest Articles

Simply drop me an e-mail to realfootballmanwordpress@gmail.com with the relevant topic header

For any prospective clients who are looking for outsourced work or a sponsored blog post, I have now created an online portfolio profiling my work –  http://realfootballman.com/online-portfolio/


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