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Real Football Data – England vs Germany Analysis

You may or may not be aware that I have started doing some analysis work on my sister website Real Football Data and here is the first fruits of my labour. The initial plan is to conduct a number of twitter polls based on what you think will happen in the outcome of football matches.

All very simple really….to start with, but as the season progresses we can then start to formulate just how much the wisdom of crowds knows about football. Just how much bias there is in terms of supporting a club/country and many other variables in between.

Basically the more polls that are conducted the more data there is and the more it can be pulled apart in different directions, of course fan polls will not be the only thing to analyse especially over the course of a long season but in this somewhat fallow period it is the perfect place to start.

First up is the England Under 21 vs Germany Under 21 Semi Final that took place on Wednesday, in the linked article below I’ll start to analyse the prediction data and see if the outcome was correct. Hopefully this will be interesting reading for data fans.

Feel free to contact me if you want to assist me on what will be an ongoing project and/or if you have any football statistics work available then you can email me at realfootballmanwordpress@gmail.com

England Under 21 vs Germany Under 21 – Prediction Data Analysis

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