Yes it may be a bit of a slow news day so it’s time for a little bit of blog based news now. If you follow the site through the twitter links firstly thanks for still following me after being bombarded with countless links but secondly the good news is that now will become a thing of the past.
I’ve removed the capability of connecting the articles to Bloglovin, as it turns out that the links that they create don’t actual feedback to my blog therefore it’s stealing a decent amount of traffic from my site and sending it to theirs instead.
Which as you’ll understand if you are trying to grow a blog that is the last thing you need. Also it was creating duplicate links on my twitter timeline which has the potential to annoy followers so this should be a win win for everyone.
You can still access my feed on the bloglovin’ site I’m just not going to actively promote it as it turns out it’s working against me than for me. So now if you follow me on twitter and click the links they will bring you here and not to the bloglovin version.
Also as good as it was to get retweets for my article links and thanks to anyone that did they always seemed to be for the bloglovin version so once again the traffic was getting diverted from my site but the slightly frustrating issue is all sorted now so onwards and upwards
As always if you like what you see and would like to contact me for any of the following:
- Writing Projects
- Interviews
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- Guest Articles
- Questions for the “Ask Real Football Man” series
Simply drop me an e-mail to with the relevant topic header