Another month closes and that means it’s time for another Real Football Man Update – as per usual it just gives an insight as to how the blog has been performing other past few weeks and I’m happy to announce that it’s good news! (we like good news)
April registered the second highest month of page views since the blogs inception and it was a 35% increase on March’s traffic. March saw a bit of a slump but I can attribute that to the international break that we had, I’ve learned it’s incredibly hard to maintain a blog about Football when nothing really happens.
Also it’s the highest ever month of what I would call ‘Organic Traffic’ – February saw over 16,000 page views but nearly 5,000 of those came because of an Adam Johnson based joke which then hit Reddit and blew up over night. So although it led to a highest ever month of page views in February it somewhat skewed the stats.
This month has seen 13,000 page views but it hasn’t needed an artificial boost from Reddit so that’s pleasing to see as it means that there is a wider base of viewers who are reading more articles and not just clicking a solitary link.
Also you may have noticed that I now have ads on my website – two things I hope they aren’t too intrusive, I would like some feedback if they are and also you would be doing me a massive favour if you could just click an advert every now and again. It won’t mean life changing amounts of money for me but it would certainly go someway to monetising the blog and rewarding me for the time and effort I put into it.
As always if you like what you see and would like to contact me for any of the following:
- Writing Projects
- Interviews
- Podcasts
- Sponsored Blog Posts
- Blog Partnerships
- Guest Articles
- Questions for the “Ask Real Football Man” series
Simply drop me an e-mail to with the relevant topic header
For any prospective clients who are looking for outsourced work or a sponsored blog post, I have now created an online portfolio profiling my work –
And as always thanks for stopping by and reading, even if it’s just one article a month it’s always very much appreciated. Here’s to a successful May!
Real Football Man
Papa Johns – If your team scores twice then it’s half price